Independent analysis and thought leadership for investors and advisors.
has no advertisers;
has no investors; and
does not sell financial products.
Zero conflicts of interest.
Personal finance is full of nonsense
Product salespeople masquerading as “financial advisors”
Ambiguously defined regulatory standards
Hidden fees and portfolio management costs
Let’s give folks the resources needed to force change
Affordable access to professional-grade software
Thoughtful and independent analysis and insights
Honest answers to important questions
Stronger nest eggs, together
It's a frustrating reality that sound investing advice is often at odds with widespread industry practices. Fortunately, with knowledge and resources increasingly available to the growing number of folks insistent on tackling their own financial planning, we think a brighter future is just around the corner.
Honest Math is here to help the personal finance industry evolve to serve the needs of an increasingly engaged and informed public. We believe that empowering motivated individual investors with powerful tools and resources can help propel an entire industry forward. A natural first step is to make professional-grade financial planning software accessible to everybody.
So that's what we're going to do.
Khalen Dwyer, CFA
To accelerate the evolution of personal finance, provide people with access to better analytical tools and resources, and raise the bar in portfolio simulation.
Honest Math is a passion project. The founder is a finance professional with little patience for bad analysis, and frustration with the quality of financial planning tools available to the public.
Our vision is simple: we believe professional-grade financial planning software should be honest, affordable and accessible to everyone.
Honest Math is not owned by any investment advisory or brokerage firm in the personal finance industry. We are an independent consulting technology team, and we strive to present information and analysis objectively and practically. Unlike many leading platforms used today, our software is not built to sell financial products or endorse particular modes of investing.
Our founder is a partner in a municipal advisory firm with extensive experience providing quantitative analysis exclusively to government entities.
Honest Math is committed to transparency and intellectual honesty. The firm’s compliance policy includes adherence to the CFA Institute’s code of ethics and standards of professional conduct.